July 21, 2009

Stop Thief !!!!

I sent out a press release last week to several media outlets in regards to the official start of the new company I am a part of called the Independent Label Collective but unfortunately I have something new to add.

Last Saturday afternoon our warehouse in Ohio was broken into and robbed. Many items were taken and among that list is some of our inventory of CDs and LPs as well as computers…things a company as new as ours can’t afford to be without. We are asking our customers to be patient as we try to regroup and get back on our feet. We are trying to handle this awful set back as gracefully as possible but the next few weeks will be difficult ones for us to say the least.

There is a suspect in the case and it does not appear to be a vindictive action against ILC specifically, just a senseless criminal act by a thief.

If anyone wants to make a donation to help us get back up and running they can email me at tracy@ilcdistro.com.

Thank you and please feel free to repost!


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