Showing posts with label CDs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDs. Show all posts

August 4, 2011

Waste Landscape

I was wondering what to do with all those unwanted old promotional CDs in my storage space......

A project by Elise Morin and Clémence Eliard

"WasteLandscape" is a 500 square meters artificial undulating landscape covered by an armor of 65 000 unsold or collected CDs, which have been sorted and hand-sewn. It is well known that CDs are condemned to gradually disappear from our daily life, and to later participate in the construction of immense open-air, floating or buried toxic waste reception centers.Made of petroleum, this reflecting slick of CDs forms a still sea of metallic dunes: the art work's monumental scale reveals the precious aspect of a small daily object. The project joins a global, innovative and committed approach, from its means of production until the end of its "life"."WasteLandscape" will be displayed in locations coherent with the stakes of the project: art role in society, raising consciousness to environmental problems through culture, alternative mode of production and valuation of district associative work and professional rehabilitation. Over the course of multiple exhibitions, "WasteLandscape" will go through quite a few transformations before being entirely recycled into polycarbonate. The roaming will allow both artists to pursue new awareness-raising activities.

"The installation has been developped by Elise Morin and Clémence Eliard in collaboration with the 104"
"The building has been refurbished by atelier Novembre: Marc Iseppi & Jacques pajot"

April 17, 2011

Who is still willing to pay for music?

“I don’t get younger people anymore; I don’t get normal customers anymore,” Mr. Miller said. “I get people that for one reason or another are outside the mainstream of American merchandising.”

Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

Read about this thriving CD only store called Chicago Digital here.