Initially I had planned this blog post to say just say this.
"10 years ago I moved to Richmond, VA and what better way to celebrate than to have my favorite RVA vocalist of all time doing a Cause & Effect show with me!
Bob Schick, singer of the legendary band Honor Role / Coral / Dynamic Truths will be my guest for the full two hours of Cause & Effect. We will be playing the music that changed his life, his favorite tracks from the bands he has played in, and talking about his life as both an artist and a music fan.
Tune in and help me celebrate not only Richmond but one of the finest artists to have come out of this city.
WRIR - Thursday 7PM to 9PM EST- Sept 8th, 2011, 97.3 on your dial for locals and go to WRIR to stream the show live."
But then I got hit by a car last week as I was trying to cross the street and my whole life changed. The good news is I am still here to do a radio show and now Bob and I have even more to celebrate as he too is a survivor on a whole different level. (More about that on air)
I could be wrong but I don't think Bob Schick has been interviewed on a radio station in a decade - maybe longer? Because none of the bands he was in are active today he hasn't done many interviews in a long period time either so this two hour radio show is truly a special occasion. We have a lot to talk about, much ground to cover between his bands and the music he picked for the show. Ryan Adams, Bob Nastanovich from Pavement, Mac from Superchunk, and Mr. Rocket from the Crypt himself John Reis are just a small sample of the creative giants who all worship the bands of Bob Schick, did you know that? Well, it is true and what better way to find out why than to spend two hours listening to Cause & Effect.
We are blessed with a local radio station and a city that offers a platform to share his story as a gifted artist (cult legend!), husband, and father, not to mention his impeccable taste in music. Bob isn't just a musician he is a musicologist in his own right (and a wickedly opinionated one at that). This is a show not to be missed and I hope when WRIR has our fund drive in a few weeks and you have to ask yourself during these tough financial times if donating to the station is worth it, you will think of the special programming we bring the community, one of a kind shows and listening experiences like this one.
And for those of you who think you know Bob - I think there will be plenty of surprises for you to. (okay maybe not you Trinko....but for everyone else ;) His song choices I think will shock a lot of you!I personally can't wait to understand how Fairport Convention and Son House fit in.
Wait until the 36 second mark! This was said in front of a large theater of people at Matador 21 in Las Vegas last year by Bob from Pavement.
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