My parent's had a hi-fi set up in nook of the giant windows of our formal dining room. The year is a little fuzzy but it would be the late '70s to the early '80s and I would relentlessly listen to the handful of records my brothers and sisters had abandoned by the turntable. It was mostly classic rock and in time I had memorized many of these records from front to back. With a spoon in my hand as a mic I would sing along to these records while standing on a dining room chair, barefooted like a half pint version of Janis Joplin ...only with wobbly baby teeth and armed with a glass of milk.
Many of the songs included in this Spoon set for this evening were part of my childhood dining room live performance and I suddenly realized that when placing these songs along side with Spoon, how incredibly classic rock timeless Spoon really is. In modern times we tend to love placing bands under niche banners but ultimately Spoon makes very accessible yet not 100% straight ahead rock songs that anyone could appreciate. The songs are catchy as hell. Each album is solid and well written. They are rock and roll classics turned on their side and I can imagine the 8 year old me digging them as much as the umm....30 something year old me does now.
So tonight we celebrate the Texas rock group Spoon and along music from their catalog you will also hear : The Velvets, The Kinks, Billy Joel, Thin Lizzy, Tom Petty, Guided By Voices, The Walkmen, Deerhunter, and more!
Listen in from 7PM to 9PM at 97.3 FM for you RVA local types and stream us at on line.
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