The line up for the Bike Plot show was Parasytic (missed them which is a drag because Erik Larson...first drummer of Avail and now member of Alabama Thunderpussy opened) Clouds (Hydra Head band) and Torche. Torche, the band who has made my favorite live band of the past years and whose newest record Meanderthal will make my top 10 for the year.
Here are some picture - Because I am small I had a hard time taking any decent pictures but thanks to Andy of Robotic Empire and his lady who were standing up high, they were able to snap me a few pictures.
The first two images are Clouds, as you can see by the tires in the background, this really is a bike lot.

Here is Torche and as you can imagine by the number of amps they play through, LOUD doesn't do the volume justice.

Here is the drummer from Clouds joining Torche.

Holy shit !Holy Shit ! Holy Shit ! I am going to see Torche Thursday night with Boris. F Boris I am going for Torche.
ReplyBring earplugs. Actually, bring spares in case the ones in your ears accidentally fall out.
ReplyBoris is LOUD.
In the last picture, does Torche really have a photo of Boy George on that Orange amp head?
ReplyBoy George it is!