ISIS news and Side Projects
ISIS and ISIS side project newsWe've been working hard on the new record. All five of us sweating away in a small windowless room in downtown Los Angeles. We're making good progress and will have more (and more exciting) news about that to report soon! There's new ISIS merch up in the WEBSTORE. We're excited to be heading to Chicago this weekend for a few shows! It should be a killer time!
In ISIS related news we have a few side project things to report:Aaron Harris along with our good friend and Cave In/OMG bass player Caleb Scofield have a record up for pre order from Hydrahead Records. The band is called Zozobra. Aaron along with playing drums on the record also recorded and mixed it. You can find the pre order HERE and to hear samples of the record you can go HERE
Aaron Turner has a new project he's been working on with James Plotkin and Tim Wyskida. The album is done and has no name as of yet. When we find out more we'll let you know! We do know that it should be released early 2009. House of Low Culture has some shows lined up for the Northwest in the fall. More on them to come as well.
Well that seems to be it. Thanks for listening. You can always find out what Mike is up to when he's not making eerie guitar sounds by going HERE and what Cliff is up to when he's not on tour HERE
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