"The MLGI is a multi-laser gestural controller built and designed by Meason Wiley at California Institute of the Arts. The controller uses Dan Overholt's CUI interface along with an array of photocells and laser modules to send out control data, which can be converted to OSC or MIDI using various programming platforms such as ChucK and Processing. This video demonstrates the MLGI working with ChucK, which is sending OSC to a custom build live interface created using Native Instruments Reaktor Software. The controller is still in it's developmenet stages, but will be featured at the NIME conference at Carnegie Melon in June. Once all the kinks are worked out, they will be available for purchase. All of the code will be open source! Please notify me if you would be interested in either building one or having one built for you. Hopefully they will be available in the Fall of 2009. http://laserinterface.wordpress.com/"
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