Title – The Moving Frontier
Hometown – UK
Label – Domino (UK)
Street Date- Out Now
I Heart – Moonminer, Hums Around Us (vocal tracks – though much of the record is instrumental)
RIYL – Stereolab, early Broadcast, Nico, 60’s psych soundtracks, electronic Exotica, Old Pram, Joe Meek at the circus
Good Lord, have Pram really been around for more than 15 years? It seems hard to believe no less that all these years later they have maintained their trademark space age silent movie score skills with the occasional splattering of slightly out of tune poetry sung by Rosie Cuckston. Her mournful melodies would fit perfectly on Chelsea Girl but the music remains difficult to pin down. They jump from different continents and centuries which sculpt a dizzying display of influences and textures.
There may be good reason why Pram has never surpassed cult status but as member of this secret society it is difficult for me to comprehend the distaste so many have towards this cinematic lounge-scape. You say boring…get me off this carousel but I say let’s go round again.
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